Friday, March 22, 2024

Blog 3 - Eight Values of Free Expression

Individual Self-Fulfillment

There are eight values of free expression in the United States. They are a marketplace of ideas, participating in self-government, stable change, individual self-fulfillment, checking on governmental power, promoting tolerance, promoting innovation, and protecting dissent. Each value is very important in the American lifestyle as it protects our expression and ideas. It allows us to express our thoughts about what the government may be doing. 

The one that sticks out to me the most is individual self-fulfillment - the ability to make oneself happy by reaching their own goals. This value is most important to me because without self-fulfillment, what are we living for? If we have no goals, then how do become proud of ourselves. I believe that having self-fulfillment is so important and is a huge privilege. You can be proud of yourself for working so hard for everything you have. Before becoming self-fulfilled, you have to have a few other things. They are physiological needs, safety, love & belonging, and confidence. With all of these factors, you can achieve self-fulfillment. Physiological needs are things that are necessary for survival such as air, water, and food. Safety means you are mentally and physically safe. Love and esteem are when you feel well-liked and respected by others. Lastly, self-actualization is when you have personal growth and achievement. 

An example of someone achieving self-fulfillment is a woman finding joy in completing a hobby she might have. After finishing something she enjoys, she will be proud of herself and happy. During this feeling, dopamine will release into your brain and you will feel a sense of happiness and pleasure. In today's world, I see a lot of self-fulfillment in social media. Lots of people have become very successful from social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. The influencers can express themselves in a way that they receive a following and success - some may even start a career from this. 

Why is this so significant?

Self-fulfillment is so important because it boosts dopamine in your brain which ultimately, boosts your mood. It will also boost your mental health. People become aware of what they can do and what they are good. People who are good at things can teach others and they won't accept something that is not right. Meaning, they will fight for what is right. This is important to a society because it allows people to learn from the best and it lets other people develop a sense of happiness and fulfillment. Self-actualization allows people to be happy with their work and opinions. In a perfect world, everyone would be able to achieve this but, of course, not everyone has the means to be able to do that. 

How could someone achieve this?

The best way for someone to achieve self-fulfillment is by figuring out what they want. Once you figure out what you want, whether that is a job, car, house, etc, you can work for it. When you know you are working hard towards something, it pushes you to do your best. If you know what you want and do nothing about it, nothing will happen. There is a quote from Dwayne Johnson that I really like, "Be humble. Be hungry. And be the most hard-working person in that room." I believe this quote is super important to this value because if you don't work hard, you won't achieve anything. Nothing happens overnight and after working so hard - you will feel so fulfilled. 

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